Art Bubble 2024


Wonderful days at Art Bubble in Århus 2024. As always a fantastic experience meeting both colleagues and guests at Art Bubble. Talking comics, storytelling and art, with the people of the best community in the world.

And a special thanks to Tatiana Goldberg, for being my travel-bestie on this trip, to Arnie, Jacob and Christopher for making this a reality and to all the wonderful people I met for the first time this year, for being so inspirational.

På Copenhagen Comics 2024


Kom til Copenhagen Comics 2024 i denne weekend, 18-19 maj, hvor du kan møde de dygtigste, mest inspirende og utrolig rare kreative mennesker, som alle brænder for at lave de bedste tegneserier.

Jeg vil selv være at finde hos Afart, hvor i kan købe min nye tegneserie “En hemmelighed” og i Danske Tegneserieskaberes stand, hvor jeg signere “En hemmelighed” og man kan købe og få signeret min børne tegneserie “Trolden”.

Læs mere om Copenhagen comics 2024 på deres hjemmeside og se det fantastiske program de har lagt for weekendens festival.

Martin Flink, Trolden, Cover
Martin Flink, En hemmelighed, cover

Project ÆON – Chapter 2 – Pencil-sketches


Sketching up the single-images for some chapter 2 pencils. Some drama, action and WWII feel. In the images below, you can see some of my thumbnail-layouts as a reference for the final pencil-sketch.

Pencil-page for Project ÆON page 16.
Pinal penciled page
Thumbnail page for Project ÆON page 16.
Thumbnail sketch
Some pencil-sketches for Project ÆON page 16
Some pencil sketches for that same page.
Thumbnail-page for Project ÆON page 17
Another thumbnail page.
Pencil-sketch for an image on page 17 of Project ÆON
And a pencil-sketch for the same page 17

Project ÆON – Playing around with cover ideas



Even though I’m not at all finished with the interior pages for the first chapter of Project ÆON. I still can’t full around with layout and design ideas for the cover.

For this one, I think I might go with a more hand-drawn title text in a later version. But as I said. I have a long way to go with the interior pages, so things will change and be refined before the book is ready.



Project ÆON cap-01 - COVERART - 01